Those who know me really well know that I am a worrier at heart. Can't help it, that's just the way I'm made. I think I have been fairly good over the course of 9 months managing my fears and concerns. The last few weeks, and anticipating the next several to come have me in all sorts of an anxious state. We have been taking our weekly childbirth classes, which I am not sure have helped me or scared the crap out of me. Last night's topic was unexpected outcomes and ppd. Really fun things to get your mind turning right before bed time. I feel bad that I shouldn't have these anxious feelings and that I should be only focusing on the good things to come, but sometimes that is hard to pull off.
When you were pregnant did you have a million fears and what if's? Or if you are pregnant now, can you relate? Or am I the only crazy one worried about each and every thing? I have been trying to keep myself occupied with nursery decor and washing baby clothes, but those thoughts still creep in my head.
I read a daily devotional, Jesus Calling, that sometimes speaks to me on a wild level. It is my second year reading it and I highly recommend to everyone. This was yesterday's reading:
I actually read it this morning after falling asleep from exhaustion last night. It was the perfect way to start my day with a sense of being refreshed and putting my head in the right place.
All I know is that in three {four weeks max, come on Weeks!!} I will have the most amazing little baby to hold in my arms and that makes all this worrying and nonsense worth it. I am officially "full term" today and I wouldn't dislike it if he was ready to come in the next hour!
Yes, I am one of those Moms- ready now.
Thanks for letting me vent! Feel free to comment, I would love to hear your thoughts on this.