How far along? 32 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Didn't weigh myself this week. Eek! We will see at the doctor tomorrow.
Maternity clothes? Lots of maternity pants and lots of the same things!
Stretch marks? Fingers crossed.
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well.
Best moment this week: My baby shower on Saturday. Due to the bad weather, some people couldn't make it. However, it was so special and so much fun. Thank you to my Mom and sisters who put it on! I loved all of the sweet presents for our little man, I'm just amazed by everyones kindness! We also had deliveries on our doorstep every single day last week. I could get used to that, right?!
Miss Anything? Beginning to want a glass of wine! Especially after a stressful week.
Food cravings: Lots and lots of sweets. I bought mini Krispy Kreme donuts and I let myself have one each morning last week. I could have easily devoured several more :) I'm beginning to think I will fall off the wagon as far as food goes, I'm so ready for this baby and I feel about 100 months pregnant!
Symptoms: Back hurts some days. I can feel the baby cramping my lungs also. Not bending over quite as much these days!
Have you started to show yet: Silly question now!
Gender: Cannot wait for our BOY.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still feeling pretty happy. I can get emotional these days too...crying over tv shows, baby shower presents...etc.
Looking forward to: February. That means March is right around the corner! We still have lots to do to get ready for the baby and I'm looking forward to all of it.
Moments from this week...

{Couldn't get enough niece time this past weekend}

{Our best attempt at a girls family photo, we neglected to get one at the shower!}
{Taking the little man to his first NCSU v. UNC basketball game. He was our good luck charm!}
{Love those little baby legs!!}
{Sweet arrivals from Serena + Lily}
Thanks for reading!
Moments from this week...
{Couldn't get enough niece time this past weekend}
{Our best attempt at a girls family photo, we neglected to get one at the shower!}
{Taking the little man to his first NCSU v. UNC basketball game. He was our good luck charm!}
{Love those little baby legs!!}
{Sweet arrivals from Serena + Lily}
Thanks for reading!
Hang in there...if you breastfeed, sweets are totally doable. I ate dessert twice a day and weighed less than I ever had. It was heavenly! You look adorable.
Oh I love that top, is it maternity? Your niece is so sweet and you look like a natural holding her.
I can probably guess what show made you cry because I was right there with ya! ;)
Can't believe you only have about 8 weeks left!! You looks great- I wouldn't stress about the weight! My SIL gained 45 with her first and lost most of it within the first 2 months and was skinner by 6 months than she had been since about high school. She said weight just kept melting off.
You look so happy! Wow, presents on your door everyday? That's better than Christmas! ;)
You look adorable holding your niece, what a sweetie! Looks like a little sports fan in the making! :)
love those little outfits!
I am a new follower!! You are way way to cute!! Can't wait to see pics of the little man!!
Working that Lilly top! The onesies are adorable!!
I love those little outfits!! You look great!
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