I was at home most of the time with the kids with a few hours of extra help a week, and then the other days I was trying my best to work at the shop (along with my partner in crime, Frances Ann). That is a major juggling act in itself. We finished up construction on the garage and breezeway, finally! I will share a post on that soon. I also have started up a little side business of oyster shell art and painting, which kept me busy in any spare moments. If you follow me on instagram, you have seen me post about them there. Even though Weeks was out of school, we tried to keep him busy with a music teacher I found that visited us once a week (he loved this!) and also at home PT and Speech sessions. I think he is ready to get back to school next week! You probably also saw on instagram that FA is now in a MMO program. Tuesday was her first day and she did great. Like, it made us a little sad how much she enjoyed it and didn't seem to miss us (until we walked in to pick her up!) With her on the move, I spend the awake hours keeping her out of trouble. She is a busy, busy little thing. Other big moments of the summer included Frances Ann's first birthday, a family trip to Williamsburg, 4th of July at the beach and my sister's wedding last weekend in Pinehurst! I was thinking about doing a big recap of photos from my phone- but my phone bit the dust halfway through the summer and I have yet to be able to pull them from the icloud. It is probably going to take a trip to the apple store next time I am in Raleigh, which I absolutely hate the apple store! eek!! In the meantime, here is a handful of photos from the last half of the summer :)
Since we are all catching up- did you guys have a good summer? Anyone else looking forward to a little more structure with school? Any post ideas you all have in mind that you want to hear about?!? Please, please this helps me a lot. Especially after I have been on this blogging break!