How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Weighed myself yesterday and was +10. I feel huge. Every week I almost stop these pictures, I swear! The baby is over 1.5 pounds now. He's gaining and growing like crazy, so you know I am!
Maternity clothes? I wore my Citizens Maternity Jeans for the first time this week to dinner. Let me tell you how comfortable those things are.....LOVE.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: I sleep great but it is getting harder to situate myself. Turning and switching positions, getting out of bed is no longer simple.
Best moment this week: So many great moments this week! I celebrated my birthday with everyone I love. Celebrated my sweet friends engagement party. AND, got to meet my brand new niece just over an hour old on Sunday night. It makes me 100 times more excited for our little boy!
Miss Anything? Went with y'alls tips last week and used some self tanner. It did boost my spirits a little bit! I realized Monday I miss my energy- I used to be tireless and now projects lie around the house unfinished and cluttered.
Movement: Little man is a mover.
Food cravings: Other than eating a ridiculous amount of cake, cupcakes, etc for my birthday celebrations, no huge cravings. I ordered a fruit cup with my sandwich from Chic-fil-A the other day and it was phenomenal.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Indigestion holding strong...
Have you started to show yet: Yes, that is a baby not a large lunch.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In. By the way, I have the worlds smallest belly button! Not sure whats going to happen here.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Early last week there were a few tough days when I didn't feel well and experienced what I think was round ligament pain. No bueno.
Looking forward to: A weekend at home where we can get some things done around here! I want to get moving on the nursery!
{Let's discuss how excited I was when my gem of a husband brought this home after work. Close enough to the real thing to make me feel special!}
{Before going out for a birthday dinner!}
{Visiting with some of my favorite girls...Ashley on the left is holding her sweet Phoebe and I am holding her newborn Rosemary who conked out on my lap! So sweet. Seldon to my left and her sister Hannah as well. Loved catching up!}

{Hello baby! Dress is Lilly Pulitzer with a waistband that can be tied to fit. I hope I can wear this in January for a shower! If not, it will be worn plenty after the baby is born}

{With the engaged Seldon! A loyal reader and BFF}
{With the hubs!}
I had an amazing birthday and enjoyed the weekend celebrating friends and newborns so much. It was a very special weekend!
Thanks for reading y'all.
Lots and lots of moments from this week...
{Let's discuss how excited I was when my gem of a husband brought this home after work. Close enough to the real thing to make me feel special!}
{Before going out for a birthday dinner!}
{Visiting with some of my favorite girls...Ashley on the left is holding her sweet Phoebe and I am holding her newborn Rosemary who conked out on my lap! So sweet. Seldon to my left and her sister Hannah as well. Loved catching up!}
{Hello baby! Dress is Lilly Pulitzer with a waistband that can be tied to fit. I hope I can wear this in January for a shower! If not, it will be worn plenty after the baby is born}
{With the engaged Seldon! A loyal reader and BFF}
{With the hubs!}
I had an amazing birthday and enjoyed the weekend celebrating friends and newborns so much. It was a very special weekend!
Thanks for reading y'all.
Such a cute idea to wrap lights around the weekly chalkboard. You look adorable lady.. don't stop the pictures! I adore the pink dress. Now I want one;)
What a difference a week has made!! But you are glowing and that birthday outfit was too cute!
Hubby gets major brownies points for the alch-free wine. What a sweet act of kindness!!
Wow, you look gorgeous in your birthday outfit and that Lilly dress is adorable and flattering! Glad you had a great birthday! :)
You look great! I'm sure this last half of your pregnancy will go by fast:)
You are so photogenic ~ love the cute LP dress and your gorgeous tree!
I love that Lilly Dress! {}
You look adorable!
Gorgeous girl! You look amazing! Your tree is TDF!
I'm about +20!!
you better not stop those belly pics! :) gorg as always
ps. phoebe and rosemary -- cutest. names. ever! adorable!
Beautiful photos Katie, you look great! :)
how cute are you! Beautiful pictures. Love the tree xx
I'm so happy that you had a fabulous birthday! also, your little baby bump is just too cute! you're adorable!
Happy belated Birthday! I wish I'd known about that wine when I was pregnant, how wonderful:) I used to put ginger ale in wine glasses to pretend, ha! Adorable Lilly dress:)
You look so great! Happy belated birthday!
I think you look wonderful!! Love the LP dress! And isn't Fre amazing?! It actually kinda even tastes like chardonnay. You definitely feel special too!
You look amazing, and belated birthday wishes. Great tree, too!
Hello Katie,
I looooved our blog and reading since half an hour =) I'll follow you from now on, would you like to check out my blog and maybe follow back too? see ya =)
You're looking great!
you look great! congrats and thank you also for stopping by my blog :)
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